Delayed food allergies are a complicated problem, and contribute to a long list of problems including; headaches, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, ADD, asthma and obesity. Delayed food allergies are difficult to identify simply because we don’t tend to link a headache or the appearance of a skin rash to some small thing we ate up to three days ago. Food sensitivities are among the most common forms of allergic reactions, and yet they don’t receive nearly the amount of the attention they deserve as the root cause of chronic illness.
In the case of food allergies and how they relate to asthma, there is a consistent finding in individuals who have what is called a non-allergic allergy. This means is that the individual has negative IgE skin test or RAST but still appears to be an allergic individual. This individual almost always has delayed food sensitivities as a complicating factor in their chronic asthma and bronchitis condition.
The RAST (radioallergosorbent test) is an allergy blood test used to detect immediate reactions or acute allergies for Type I allergic response (IgE) antibodies. It is best used for obvious reactions to molds, pollens, dust and food. Many other allergy tests such as skin scratch tests or prick tests are less reliable or reproducible and unable to detect delayed reactions. IgE acute reactions to foods generally don’t need to be tested for by blood or skin test, because they reveal themselves clearly immediately following the absorption of the food in question.
The ALCAT Test or Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test, measures leukocyte cellular reactivity in whole blood, the common pathway of all mechanisms. The test utilizes hematological instrumentation and is ideal for detecting delayed reactions to foods and chemicals of which standard tests are not equipped for. The ALCAT Test also reproducibly measures the final common pathway of all pathogenic mechanism, whether immune, non-immune or toxic. It is the only test shown to correlate with clinical symptoms by double blind oral challenges. The ALCAT Test also measures food sensitivity and food intolerance. It is a very common test for individuals that struggle with a variety of problems suspected to originate from food intolerance and allergy complications.
The PRIME Test for delayed food allergies reveals several different types of delayed allergic reactions, including IgG, immune complexes and white blood cell destruction. The Prime Test examines up to 220 foods and chemicals from a small blood sample. This test enables doctors to help their patients improve their health by removing the underlying cause of their symptoms. Special slides with microscopic amounts of different foods and chemicals are examined under the microscope after a person’s white blood cells are added to the slides. If the white blood cells break down and die, a food or chemical has been discovered that needs to be avoided.
For more information about these tests contact;
Sage Medical Laboratory
1400 Hand Avenue, Suite L
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
(Mon.- Fri., 9am-6pm EST)